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 | Manchester-Shortsville School District Red Jacket Schools
Welcome to the Manchester-Shortsville Central School District Recruitment Website!
We'd like to share some information about our district:
Manchester-Shortsville Central School District Known As: Red Jacket
Our school nickname, Red Jacket, is named in honor of Native American Seneca Chief Red Jacket (1750-1830) who, in his early years as a Chief was known as Sagoyewatha (Keeper Awake). Chief Red Jacket, Chief of the Wolf Clan, was a famous orator who spoke for the rights of his people. He took his name Red Jacket for the red coat he wore that was given to him by the British for his wartime services. In 1794, Red Jacket signed the Pickering Treaty in Canandaigua, which he negotiated to help to secure Seneca territory for his people.
School Colors: Red and White
Our Mission
We will challenge all learners and work in partnership with students, parents and community to achieve high standards.
Our Vision
Every employee of the District plays a vital role in the success of our students. Together, we will develop and maintain the highest level of ethical and professional practice, demonstrating a culture of respect, cooperation, and pride, with care and dignity for all. With uncompromising commitment in the pursuit of excellence, we will:
• Meet the unique needs of every student regardless of social advantage, race, or gender and ensure a safe learning environment in which all students acquire necessary foundational skills.
• Promote healthy habits and provide challenging, real-world learning experiences.
• Cultivate student ownership for goal-setting, learning, and citizenship by partnering with families and community groups.
• Promote a learning environment of critical thinking, creative problem-solving, self-direction and collaboration in order to maximize each student’s ability and potential to succeed in an ever-changing, highly technical and diverse world.
District Website Address: